Friday, April 15, 2005

Questions Asked

So it appears that I do have one victim - er - volunteer for the Question Game. Ok, Goofy Girl, here goes:

  1. What is the thing you miss most about being a DINK (dual-income, no kids) family?

  2. What is the most extreme sport that you'd be willing to try?

  3. What has Goofy Jr. done to earn mom's tears (of joy, frustration or otherwise)?

  4. Is your screen name at all Disney related? If not, what's the background?

  5. White, dark or milk chocolate? And what does this say about you?

Older, and still they call me Grace

On my birthday I went to an electronics store to get an accessory for my new iPod mini (thanks Mr. Me!). I happened to be talking on my cell phone as I walked towards the store (I know, kiss of death). And completely missed that there was a curb in front of the store - the clue of BRIGHT YELLOW PAINT apparently wasn't enough. Boy, did I bite the dust but HARD. Completely crashed, sprawled on the ground, without even any defensive wounds on my hands from trying to catch myself. To put the icing on my roadkill cake, as I lay there, groaning, unable to get up despite a few feeble attempts, the electronic doors that had luckily opened when I fell kept trying to close on me. They'd get a few inches from my face before they realized that hey! There's a person in the road! Don't crush her like a bug.

I lay there groaning for a good five minutes before I was finally able to slowly move toward my feet. About the same time, a store employee FINALLY came running out the door. Luckily, he didn't see my graceful trip to the pavement, but he apparently noticed the doors opening and shutting around me. And came to check to see if I was literally roadkill-they had had recent problems with customers geting hit by cars in front of their shop. No, no actual problems here, just lots and lots of clumsiness.

I think this successfully proves that just because you're a year older does not make you exempt from doing stupid, kid-like things (I'm sporting a skinned knee for the first time since I was a teenager). Actually, it makes getting older just a little bit easier.