The Little Miss is a delightful child, truly. She's the most easy-going baby ever, though I hate to say it for fear of jinxing myself. She's extremely laid back and easily soothed. I swear, you can talk the kid out of eating for an hour if you need to with a pacifier and a smile.
She's a very social little thing too. Putting her in her room alone is one of the few things that almost always upsets her. She prefers to be where the action is, even for naps. And, with her brother around, there's always plenty of action around.
She's currently hitting the development milestones of a 3-month old. This puts her a little ahead for a preemie, but a little behind for her actual age. She's smiling, giggling, and "ga ga"ing all over the place, which is so cute. She loves to move and kick, and has started to recognize her dad and me. Her little smile pops onto her face as soon as she sees my face over her crib, which makes me finally understand why some moms just want to eat their babies up! She has yet to roll over, but I imagine it's only a matter of time. Her neck, back and arms are really getting strong.
Surprisingly, she seems to have almost no ill effect from all the surgery. You can barely find the scars on her belly, and she rarely throws up, which is contrary to the surgeon's telling us she'd be a "spitter." The only digestive weirdness she has is in the pooping department - it's always a major accomplishment when the poopies happen, and they're very colorful for a breast-fed baby. We are extremely fortunate that she's done so well.
The Little Man LOVES his sis. I'm actually amazed at how well he likes her. He is constantly running by and petting her head, and if she starts crying and we're not immediately at her side he comes running. "Mom, Dad, baby's crying! Think she's sad! Think she needs her massifier!" He has even laid down beside her on the floor a couple of times and said "You're my best friend." Do I expect this to last? Uh, no. But, it's nice that he likes her now, at least.
All this to say, I can't imagine life without our Little Miss. I mean, look at that face!
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