Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Lesson in Self-Editing, Brought to you by Dell

My comma key just fell off. FELL OFF! I realize that I type probably 72% more commas than are strictly necessary, and leave at least 30% more than are needed after editing. However. It's a bit harsh to have the key actually try to flee for its life after a little over-exertion. Maybe it's a pre-set by Dell - after so many commas, the key is set to just pop off.

I wonder how many "a"s I have left.

An Addendum - I must say many thanks to those who said a few words at the reported demise of my comma key. However, the following evening, courtesy of a long 30 minutes with tweezers and a magnifying glass, it lives again! Take that, Dell!


Girl con Queso said...

Oh. Well if that's the case, my #@&%*! keys are gonners.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge overuser of commas. Now you have me worried!

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

I'll keep you and your comma key in my thoughts and prayers.

RIP, Comma Key.....

Anonymous said...

Quite funny. Another quick key story.
Cas was playing on her new laptop and Tasha came by to "tap" on the keys then a few minutes later I relized Tasha has something in her mouth and is smiling. Cas fishes it out for me and it is Cas's page up key. Cas is like oh she has one of my keys