Saturday, September 06, 2008

The "I Love You" Song

The Little Man was helping me wrap a birthday present this morning for one of his buddies. His sparkling, happy eyes and general overall cuteness inspired me to sing "I love you" in a big, operatic voice.
He didn't miss a beat, singing right back "I love you too!"
to which I replied " I love you more!"
then he sang, with a nice melody, "I love you most!"
and I belted (in a this-is-the-finale sort of way) "I love you up to the moon!"
to which he came back with a very loud "I love you more than McDonald's!"

And . . . I had nothin'. His love truly knows no bounds.

P.S. Yes, when daddy's not around, we communicate in song sometimes. Mostly with an opera feel. It's what we do. Stop judging, but feel free to be happy you're not around when it's going on.

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