Tuesday, March 08, 2005


This past week has been full of Egad! moments. A select few. . .

  • The Little Man decided to start throwing throw-himself-back-kicking-and-screaming tantrums on his very first birthday. I thought these weren't due for another year or so?

  • Talking to my best girlhood friend this week, I realized that under her influence I am able to contemplate having another Little Person without covering my ears, screaming and running from the room.

  • Talking to the same girlfriend, it occurred to me that she was in some ways reminding me of her mother. And it also occurred to me that maybe I am starting to remind people of MY mother. Which I immediately decided that I really don't want to know.

  • Studio photography prices are INSANE! Sticking with Penney's from here on out, thank you!

  • I now unfortunately have first-hand knowledge of the inspiration for the Exorcist vomiting special effects. Funny, they didn't show the cleanup of that in the movie, which is actually the scariest part.

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