Sunday, January 01, 2006

Posts You've Missed

Here are reports of posts you've missed, primarily because they were written only in my head. If I actually posted as much as I think about posting, this would be a much more interesting place to visit.


The story of the Little Man's first wound. Chock-full of all the things that make a good drama great - loss of balance, weeping, lots and lots of blood, crying mothers, and grandpas who save the day and make it all better. Notable quotes: "I've finally found something in parenting that instantly makes me lose it - blood on pastel footie pajamas." and "Ironically, the Little Man couldn't have chosen a more boyish wound. It's strategically placed and timed so that he'll look like he has a boogie hanging out of his nose in all of the Christmas photos."


An enchanting pictorial of a giant, noisy, confusing lovely family Christmas. Replete with tales of all five Christmas adventures we undertook, with an in-depth look at the one at my parents' where the living room ended up filled with people, and gifts, and torn paper, and excited kids and babies, just the way I like it. Includes some commentary on "the Little Man received metric tons of toys" and "Where are we going to put all this crap?"


Commentary on the Little Man's recent predilection for pooing in the tub. Includes thoughts on 'Mommy doesn't think she should be the one to clean and sterilize after each instance even though she ends up doing it.' and 'How, if you know what you're looking for, this can be good practice for pooing in the potty if you can whisk the kid out of the tub and onto the potty fast enough' Notable quote "And then from the bathroom I hear the little brother say 'Why are there little brown things floating in the tub?'"

A Happy New Year to you all, and here's to my blog being more entertaining in the year to come.

1 comment:

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

I was pretty happy with the amount of toys MonkeyBoy got. I was SO afraid he was going to get alot of crep, but having 2 nephews and a niece vying equally for the grandparent's attention helped stem the flow. THANK GOD. I really pushed the "ONE nice toy, ONE cheapie toy" partyline and they listened. Well, except for MY OWN grandma who got him some stupid giggling cabbage patch kid that may make me finally figure out how to become an eBay seller!