Friday, February 17, 2006

I'm It!

I've been Tagged by Average Jane! So, a meme for you.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a senior in college, desperately sick of school and working two part-time jobs and just trying to GET OUT. I was dating my husband, and living in an old apartment with a co-worker and her boyfriend. As I recall, I was a receptionist at a plastics manufacturing plant by day and a mutual teller at the local dog track by night.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
I had just agreed to work an extra day a week to meet deadline on a huge client project. I was also preparing for the Little Man's first birthday party. And, according to the blog, I was sick and whining about Mr. Me's lack of helpfulness. Yuck. Glad this is this year and not last!

Five snacks you enjoy:
  1. Kettlecorn
  2. Pears
  3. Dannon Yogurt Smoothies
  4. Rice Krispy Treats
  5. Ice Cream, currently non-fat items

(gee, the dieting doesn't show, does it?)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics

  1. Hush, Little Baby
  2. Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet
  3. You are my Sunshine
  4. Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
  5. Amazing Grace
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
  1. Build a really cool house
  2. Pay off all our debts
  3. Pay off our parents' debts
  4. Travel with family
  5. Send our kid to whatever college he likes

Five bad habits

  1. Procrastination
  2. Running my car too low on gas before refilling
  3. Not pushing the drawers back in my bureau after I get something from them
  4. Not giving my son enough time to transition between activities
  5. Letting our laundry go until we are almost out of clothes

Five things you like doing

  1. Playing with the Little Man
  2. Reading
  3. Hanging out with my friends & family
  4. Singing in the car
  5. Playing volleyball

Five things you would never wear again

  1. Legwarmers (shudder)
  2. Mall bangs
  3. Tube tops
  4. A perm - poodle, anyone?
  5. A bikini

Five favorite toys

  1. Palm Treo phone - love it!
  2. Video iPod
  3. Dell laptop
  4. TiVo
  5. Bobble-head velveteen moose that I bought in New Hampshire

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