Friday, February 17, 2006

More and Less

The medication seems to be doing the trick for the kitty. Mojo begs for food constantly, has a little more flesh on her bones, and, boy oh boy has the volume in the cat box gone nuts. Yick. Thank you , my wonderful vet, for having the guts to try something that, at least for now, is working out great.

I, on the other hand, am becoming less of myself daily. I joined Weight Watchers mid-January so far it's working pretty well. I've been losing steadily at a pretty good clip, and it's not been as hard as I thought it would be. I don't really like to talk about weight loss efforts because it seems to ensure that they tank. Feeling pretty optimistic about this one, though, so maybe it's safe to proclaim that next year, though I doubt I'm a super model, at least there should be much less of me and hopefully more energy to go around!

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