Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Tidbits

I'm so very out of vacation mode. So the promised vacation stories, they're not coming. I live in the here and now, baby, and since I didn't write them down at the time, they're lost. The end.

Oh, my Little Man. What a character. He grew at least 3 feet when we were gone, and aged 5 years. I swear! I wouldn't exaggerate these things to you. When we saw him for the first time after our trip I actually didn't recognize him for a moment or two. And when I did, my internal monologue was saying Really? Surely not. That looks like someone else's kid.

Happily, it was our adorable little guy. He did cool things for the grandparents, like climbing into the full bathtub fully clothed, and bringing Grandpa his shoes every morning.

Since he's gotten home he's developed an intense fascination with my chest. Especially when I'm wearing only a bra. He pokes, and prods, and pinches until mommy says "stop! that hurts Mommy's boobies" This morning, he morphed his new word of the day - happy! - into boobie! And now he wanders around saying "Happy! Boobie! Happy! Boobie!" I don't think he remembers nursing, but if he does, the memories are fond ones.

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