Tuesday, September 07, 2004

All in the Details

The Little Man was sleepy, so he and I were rocking. I had my ankles crossed on the ottoman, and he was sitting on my lap. For some reason he deecided that my knees were worth closer inspection, so he bent himself double, as he does, to get a closer look. Recently he's been teething and drool leaks out like he's a spigot. So, not surprising, almost immediately after he bends over, I feel the lukewarm trickle form a pool on my legs.

There aren't any words to describe how disgusting that feeling is. Just, no words. But he was content, so I just let him sit there and drool. And thought about how much I must truly, truly love him.

Then I saw the carrots in the pool. And I picked him up, and transferred him to a safe spot on my burp-cloth protected shoulder. After all, enough is enough.

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