Monday, September 20, 2004

Out, Damn Cobwebs!

Cobwebs have formed and crickets are chirping at the blog. Sorry, folks, but we've been on vacation.

Every year we take a trip for our anniversary. This year was our seventh, to grand ol' St. Louie. Over the years we've been to Phoenix, Minneapolis, Florida, the Bahamas and Branson. Branson has been a choice multiple years for the simple fact that we're normally too broke to take a vacation at all, but we go anyway because the trips are one of our secrets of "keeping the flame alive". Plus, it ensures that we at least get one vacation a year, and, let's face it, a lame vacation is better than none at all.

What with the week it takes to prepare home, work and now Little Man for absence, and the week it takes to recover from the travel and unpack, there are times I wonder if vacations are really worth it. But, as I can think of no additional material to support that statement, it must be just a general bitch and I do really like them.

Details to come, but suffice it to say that St. Louis is a below-average vacation destination - worse than Branson! - but we had a nice hotel & enjoyed the luxury of living child-free for the weekend.

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