Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm a Hacker

My brother has been moved to a private room in a different part of the hospital, and lo! My uber-smart computer has hacked into some sort of wireless network here. So, I'm able to surf, blog and listen to my brother give his nurse hell.

He's awake and talking, a good thing. However, he's a very, very bad patient. He's offered to pay the nurse $1,000 to take the restraint off of his arm. One time they did that, he ripped the resperator out of his lungs. Another time he ripped the feeding tube out. So, his hand is remaining firmly restrained to the bed. The other arm is broken, or I'm sure he'd have used that one. He wants badly to leave. He tries to get out of bed about once every 30 minutes or so, which usually culminates in him banging his leg on the bed and yelling Ow! So, he's on 24-hour nursing care and a family member is staying with him day and night as well.

Unfortunately, he didn't escape his accident with just broken bones. They say he has some damage to his brain, though it's going to be months before it can be completely assessed. I tell you, I've laughed at Bill Cosby's "Brain Damage" bit time and again, and joked with people about riding the short bus, but these things are suddenly not so funny.

One of the results of the damage is that he says random, funny things like "I need a tarantula" or "reindeer". Other side effects include things that I think he would have done anyway, like call his nurse names and try to escape his bed, and yell "Ow! My Ass!" really loud. He doesn't know where he is, and thinks he is working on a lift the majority of the time. But, at least he knows his family, and there are brief periods of lucidity. And, though his condition isn't, and he can't help it, he is damn funny sometimes.

It's time to leave off, lest the hospital CIS police come to nab me. More news to come.

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