Saturday, July 16, 2005

Takes One to Know One

I am sitting in my living room waiting with bated breath for the UPS fairy to deliver Harry Potter 6. This is SO EXCITING! It's 7:00 in the morning and I have already checked my shipment from Amazon, and have already cursed UPS because Amazon told them my book was ready to be picked up at 5:00 AM and it's not been picked up yet. Lazy bastards!

This is a very special weekend. I arranged with Mr. Me a month ago to have this weekend off of all duty and responsibility because I must sit and read! Until it is all done! All 5 inches of book in smallish type and single spaced! I must know what happens. So Mr. Me will be packing up the Little Man and hitting the road the minute - The Minute! - that UPS comes to our door. They shall go to the land of Grandma and Grandpa and I will be left in peace to bury myself in a book. Which is my definition of a perfect, wonderful weekend.

Yeah, I realize that Mr. Me is married to a geek too. And I don't care!

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