Thursday, January 27, 2005


Oh. My. Goodness. I'm starting to get that panicy feeling again like you get when you just come back from the hospital with your child. You know the one that goes "What have I Done? I can't do this! I sometimes can't even get matching shoes on my feet in the morning, how did I think I was going to raise a child?"

Yesterday I came home to my child wearing his Halloween costume, which I had sent to the daycare as his backup outfit to be put on in case of emergency. "Emergency" normally consists of spit up or a diaper way too dirty for words, so normally it's not a cause for concern. However, when I asked Mr. Me what had happened, he said, "Wait until you hear what YOUR child did today". When he refers to the Little Man as "my" child, nothing good ever comes of it.

During nap-time yesterday at daycare, the daycare provider went into the nap room to discover the Little Man soaked and pantsless. Apparently he had painstakingly removed his sweatpants, unsnapped his onsie, and taken off his diaper, and proceeded to firehose the entire area. All without making a peep to clue the sitter in to the fact that anything was going on. Luckily the sitter took it all in good humor, even though she had to clean up the pee-soaked bed, bedding and floor.

I am aghast. And a little terrified. MY CHILD. IS A NUDIST. ALREADY. I expect forrays into nudity from a 2-year-old. I get that little kids just like to be naked. However, NOT at 10 1/2 months. If this is the kind of stuff he's pulling now, what actually does happen when he gets to be 2? Streaking through the neighborhood is a daily event? Will I be able to buy, make or even think of a piece of clothing that will keep Mr. Winkie covered? Egads, What have I DONE, having this little naked-loving child?

Maybe it was just a one-time experiment, to see if his little friend was still there when his clothes are on, and to see what he does for a living. Yeah. That's got to be it.

I'll be dressing him in overalls for the next several days anyway. Just in case.

1 comment:

Mojavi said...

Seriously that cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!